Our administrative team are pleased to assist you in scheduling any appointments with Dr. Lalli or Dr. Higashi. We are unable to schedule, or change appointments via text, email or online at this time, so please phone the office at: 403-286-5000 to schedule your appointment. Please understand that many questions can only be answered accurately following a consultation with Dr. Lalli or Dr. Higashi.
Every effort is made to assist emergency patients in a timely manner and we appreciate your patience as we provide care to all of our patients.
We do experience several “peak” times throughout the year, particularly in serving our university and high school students. Due to the patient age bracket that we most often see regarding wisdom teeth, most school holidays will book-up several months in advance. Often our out-of-town university students plan ahead and schedule their consultation during one school break, and then book surgery during the next school break. Students may find it helpful to bring the school schedule to your consultation appointment in order to better plan your surgery.
All patients under the age of 18, must be accompanied by a parent, or legal guardian for their consultation, as well as all future appointments including surgery. Please assist us by bringing your Alberta Health Care card and any dental insurance to your consultation appointment.
If your dentist, specialist, or physician has taken x-rays, please ensure they are forwarded ASAP to our office at: [email protected]. Please be aware that certain imaging files (particularly 3D CBCT scans) can not be sent to us via email, due to file size or the individual software used by the referring clinic. Your Dr. may choose instead to provide you a USB drive, or CD with these files.
Please phone Calgary Office Phone Number 403-286-5000 with any questions, and/or to schedule YOUR appointment. We are unable to schedule, or change appointments via text, email or online at this time.